Chess openings

Total in database 2007 openings

A00. Polish Opening: Birmingham Gambit

1. b2-b4 c7-c5
Games with this openings: 847

A00. Venezolana opening

1. d2-d3 c7-c5 2. b1-c3 b8-c6 3. g2-g3
Games with this openings: 24

A00. Novosibirsk opening

1. b1-c3 c7-c5 2. d2-d4 c5-d4 3. d1-d4 b8-c6 4. d4-h4
Games with this openings: 242

A00. Anderssen's opening

1. a2-a3
Games with this openings: 117838

A00. Ware (Meadow Hay) opening

1. a2-a4
Games with this openings: 32140

A00. Crab opening

1. a2-a4 e7-e5 2. h2-h4
Games with this openings: 1073

A00. Saragossa opening

1. c2-c3
Games with this openings: 127577

A00. Mieses opening

1. d2-d3
Games with this openings: 195719

A00. Valencia opening

1. d2-d3 e7-e5 2. b1-d2
Games with this openings: 1925

A00. Hammerschlag (Fried fox/Pork chop opening)

1. f2-f3 e7-e5 2. e1-f2
Games with this openings: 513

A00. Polish (Sokolsky) opening

1. b2-b4
Games with this openings: 568524

A00. Durkin's attack

1. b1-a3
Games with this openings: 4565

A00. Anti-Borg (Desprez) opening

1. h2-h4
Games with this openings: 64289

A00. Amsterdam attack

1. e2-e3 e7-e5 2. c2-c4 d7-d6 3. b1-c3 b8-c6 4. b2-b3 g8-f6
Games with this openings: 135

A00. Van't Kruijs opening

1. e2-e3
Games with this openings: 977447

A00. Polish: Tuebingen variation

1. b2-b4 g8-h6
Games with this openings: 152