Free online chess puzzles for beginners and experienced players
Chess puzzles are very popular among beginners and experienced players. Puzzles include tasks where white or black need to find a specific solution, like checkmating an opponent in 1-5 moves. Chess tactical puzzles are great way to develop logical thinking and get practice, since similar situations can occur in a game with a computer or a live opponent. Our database offers a large number of interesting tasks. Hard chess puzzles are good for experienced players, and simple chess puzzles are perfect for beginners. You can choose the one that suits your level. We keep statistics for registered players. Don't get upset if you couldn't solve the problem from the first time- you can try again!
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If you want to be the best chess player and learn some smart tricks, then don't miss an exciting way to practice- chess puzzle. We saved a large collection of puzzles especially for you. Many of them were taken from the big tournament games of famous players. One of the key ways to improve your level is developing your tactical abilities. Solving daily chess puzzle you develop your tactical skills which you can apply in real games.