A40. Horwitz Defense

1. d2 - d4
e7 - e6
Games with this openings in database: 1998934
Wins by white: 1038046 51.9%
Wins by black: 877800 43.9%
Draws: 83088 4.2%
Games in progress with this opening: 55

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A40. Queen's pawn: Charlick (Englund) gambit

1. d2-d4 e7-e5
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A40. Queen's pawn: Englund gambit

1. d2-d4 e7-e5 2. d4-e5 b8-c6 3. g1-f3 d8-e7 4. d1-d5 f7-f6 5. e5-f6 g8-f6
Games with this openings: 1948